In a shocking development, Indore's BM College of Pharmacy's Principal on Monday was burnt alive by a student on the campus. Vimukta Sharma, the principal of BM Pharmacy College in Indore, was set on fire by a former student succumbed to her injuries at a hospital on Saturday morning. She died around 4 am. According to the reports, the accused student is a notorious troublemaker on the BM College of Pharmacy premises in Indore. He was recently released on bail after being arrested for attacking a faculty member last year. The Indore College Principal burning report has shocked entire India as people around the world are curious to know who was Vimukta Sharma and why she was burnt alive by a student on the campus. Here's what you show know about the incident-
Reportedly, the accused student has been identified as Ashutosh Shrivastav and the principal was identified as Professor Vimukta Sharma (54). The principal suffered 90% burns and fought hard for her life on a ventilator at the hospital. However, on Saturday morning she died. On Monday, the accused Ashutosh poured petrol on Vimukta Sharma and set her on fire with a cigarette lighter in front of the college staff. The student also suffered burns in the incident, but he fled from the scene in a two-wheeler. He drove to a gorge nearby to commit suicide, but he was saved and then arrested by the Police.
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SP Rural Bhagwat Singh Virde was quoted by a newswire who confirmed that the principal was attacked at around 4 pm while she was on her way home after college. She was stopped and approached by the accused when she was plucking some leaves from a medicinal plant. The accused reportedly wanted his mark sheet and the duo began arguing over the same. “Ashutosh had failed in two subjects in his seventh and eighth semester of Bpharma in 2022 After clearing these subjects, he was troubling his teachers for his mark sheet. On Monday, he went to the college, carrying petrol. On seeing the principal outside, he threw petrol on her and set her on fire. He also suffered burns on his chest and hands,” said Virde.
Reportedly, the fire was put out and she was taken to an Indore hospital by some faculty members and a security officer. Ashutosh meanwhile rode his bike about 10 kilometers to Tincha Falls, jumped the safety barricades, and started walking near the gorge’s brink. When locals noticed this, they contacted 100. Constable Dheer Singh hurried to the scene, removed his khaki shirt while walking, and put on a T-shirt. “He said that he would also jump off with him and asked him why he wanted to kill himself. While engaging him in talks, the constable swiftly pulled him by the belt and dragged him away. He was taken to hospital where he is being treated,” said Virde.