Famous Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor enjoys a massive fan following especially among females. He is loved by various female fans for his ‘chocolate boy’ looks and impressive acting skills. Shahid Kapoor got married to a Delhi girl Mira Rajput in an arranged marriage set-up which led to many broken hearts of his female admirers.
Although actors pay great respect to their fans as it is only because of their love stars earn success. However, there are numerous times when fans cross their limits and go overboard to showcase their love which makes the actors feel uncomfortable. One such incident happened with Shahid Kapoor and his fan was not a commoner but a star kid.
What happened with Shahid Kapoor?
Legendary Bollywood actor Raj Kumar’s daughter Vastavikta Pandit was a great fan of Shahid Kapoor which later turned into an obsession. For the unversed, Vastavikta Pandit and Shahid Kapoor met each other at Shiamak Davar’s dance classes. During this, Shahid was in his pre-acting days and carried the chocolate boy image. Later, Vastavikta Pandit fell deeply in love with Shahid Kapoor although the actor never reciprocated to it. She wanted to get in a relationship with Shahid Kapoor but it never happened as Shahid Kapoor was not in love. This led to her stalking Shahid Kapoor all the time.
Reportedly, in the year 2012 Shahid Kapoor got an FIR registered against Vastavikta Pandit alleging that she stalked him where ever he went be it outdoor shoots, vacations, etc. Vastavikta Pandit later bought a residence close to Shahid Kapoor’s house and started introducing herself as Shahid Kapoor’s wife. Due to the fear of police complaint Vastavikta Pandit left Shahid Kapoor and started focusing on her career.
Who is Vastavikta Pandit?
Vastavikta Pandit is daughter of legendary Bollywood actor Raj Kumar. She followed her father’s path and went on to act in various films. She made her acting debut in 1996, but the film flopped miserable at box-office. Despite her constant efforts, she couldn’t manage to etch her place in the film industry.