After a ton of controversies and social media uproar, the shooting of the much-awaited Hera Pher 3 started at Empire Studios in Mumbai on Tuesday. The reports of Hera Pheri 3 broke the internet as Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar finally joined hands with the makers and agreed to work in the film. Now, it has been reported that Hera Pheri's third part has been renamed as Hera Pheri 4. Yes! you heard it right. The upcoming movie of Akshay Kumar, Paresh Rawal, and Suniel Shetty will be Hera Pheri 4, not Hera Pher 3. The Hera Pheri 4 decision reminds fans of the strategy of Koi Mil Gaya makers who renamed Krish 2 as Krish 3. Now, the question arises what is the reason behind Hera Pheri 4 renaming or Hera Pheri 4 rename reason? Continue reading to know-
Hera Pheri 4 rename reason-
As per reports, Etimes quoted a source saying, "That's the fun part of the series, We'll be telling the audience that the characters have been up to unmentionable mischief in part three. We couldn't show the audiences what we were up to in part three, so we go straight to part four." However, the truth is, producer Firoz Nadiadwala is skipping Part 3 in reverence to the late actor-writer-director Neeraj Vora who happened to be Firoz’s close friend. They were so close that Firoz had converted one flank of his home into a miniature hospital where Vora spent the last year of his life. Part 3, which was to be directed by Neeraj Vora, died with him.
Hera Pheri 4
Is Akshay Kumar part of Hera Pheri 3? Shooting of much-awaited comic-movie begins
For the unversed, Akshay Kumar as Raju, Suniel Shetty as Shyam, and Paresh Rawal as Baburao are among the most iconic characters of Indian Cinema especially Hera Pheri and over the last 17 years, Hera Pheri has become a cult among the audience. The meme world took the anticipation around the third part to the next level and now that the film has gone on floors, we expect the hype to manifold in the days to come. Stay tuned to True Scoop News for more updates on Hera Pheri 4. Apart from the original Hera Pheri trio, Hera Pheri 4 will have several acclaimed actors in the comic space and more details on the entire extended ensemble of India’s biggest comic franchise will be unveiled in the coming few days. The director's name is still not known to us yet, but as soon as it will be revealed, True Scoop News will break it.