Woman falls in love with Chimpanzee, zoo staff bans her entry

The woman said that she and the chimpanzee has made a strong bond from past 4 years and they are “having an affair.”

love with Chimpanzee,zoo staff bans woman entry,chimpanzee,woman and chimpanzee,zoo in Belgium,Chita,World News, World News Today, World News Headlines,World Breaking News,International News,Latest World News,English news,Truescoop news- True Scoop

You must have heard wired love stories, here is one such tale of a woman and a chimpanzee from a zoo in Belgium. 

The woman, Adie Timmermans said that she is in love with Chita, a 38-year-old male chimpanzee who lives at Antwerp Zoo in Belgium. She has been visiting Chita for the past four years and she and the chimpanzee have developed a strong bond.

The woman and the animal used to interact through a glass partition and even blow kisses towards each other to express their love. 

She has got a little too close to the primate that’s why she has been banned from visiting the chimpanzee at the zoo.

In multiple statements, she has claimed that they are “having an affair”. However, Antwerp Zoo officials told that they are no longer in contact with each other. They said Chita has been already been excluded by other chimps within the group.

 In conversation with regional news channel ATV, Timmermans said, “I love that animal and he loves me. I haven't got anything else. Why do they want to take that away?” 

She added, “We're having an affair, I'll just say. Other dozens of visitors are allowed to make contact. Then why not me?”

According to the officials of the zoo, they are doing all for the safety of the animal as they only want the animal to be happy. 

They said, “When Chita is constantly busy with visitors, the other monkeys ignore him and don’t consider him part of the group, even though that is important. He then sits on his own outside of visiting hours.”
