The sequel to the popular film “Yaarian” has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons even before its release. The film's actors, including Nizam Jafri, Radhika Rao, Vinay Sapru, and Bhushan Kumar, have become embroiled in a legal battle.
As per the sources, The Punjab Police registered two FIRs (First Information Reports) against the aforementioned individuals based on statements from the Sikh Talmel Committee and Baba Lakhveer Singh of Hoshiarpur.
The allegations centre on a scene in the film in which actor Nizam Jafri is seen wearing a kirpan (a Sikh religious symbol). Members of the Sikh community have complained that the film offends their religious beliefs.
Notably, The Punjab Police responded by sending a team to Mumbai to serve notices on the director and producer. The Chairman of the Sikh Talmel Committee, Harpal Singh Chaddha, confirmed that the police had issued notices to both the director and the producer.
On the other hand, Nizam Jafri is currently abroad and has not received a notice. On the other hand, Ashok Kumar Sharma, Thana Char's SHO (Station House Officer), simply confirmed the team's departure to Mumbai without providing any additional information about whether the notices had been delivered or the team's return.
Moreover, discussions about religious tolerance, artistic freedom, and freedom of expression have been sparked by this controversy, which has attracted a lot of media attention.
The cast and crew of the movie are now awaiting further police action and hoping for a resolution to this conflict. It is unknown whether Nizam Jafri will receive a notice upon his return to India while he is still abroad.
The fate of "Yaariyan 2" is uncertain as a result of the ongoing legal dispute, which has cast a shadow over its debut.