The much-awaited supernatural Telugu series Yakshini was released on Disney Plus Hotstar on June 14, 2024. The six-episode supernatural thriller is directed by Teja Marini. Yakshini is a thriller that revolves around a woman who possesses a supernatural power. The term Yakshini is widely used in South Asian folklore. Following Yakshini's OTT Release, the series bacame the topic of discussion due to its unique concept and stellar starcast. Talking about starcast, Yakshini features Ajay, Manchu Lakshmi, Rahul Vijay, and Vedhika. The web series will be available for streaming in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Kannada, and Malayalam. In the meantime, a company named Pocket FM has sued Disney Plus Hotstar over the release of Yakshini.
As per reports, Pocket FM has filled a lawsuit against Disney Plus Hotstar in the Delhi High Court over alleged copyright infringements related to its audio series ‘Yakshini’. Pocket FM has sought an interim injunction against Disney+ Hotstar’s parent company, Novi Digital Entertainment, requesting the court to order the removal of the trailer for the web series. However, Yakshini was already released on Disney Hotstar on June 14, 2024.
In its plea dated June 11, Pocket FM claimed ownership of the copyright to ‘Yakshini’, which has been available on its platform since May 2021. The company alleges that Disney Plus Hotstar’s Telugu web series, also titled ‘Yakshini’, has many similarities to its audio series.
The streaming platform has already released the promo for the web series, which is scheduled to start streaming on June 14. Pocket FM’s plea asserts that the depiction of ‘Yakshini’ in Disney+ Hotstar’s series closely mirrors that of its audio series, noting specific similarities in Yakshini’s entry scene.