The erotic-crime thriller Lady Voyeur has taken Netflix by storm ever since it was released on December 31, 2022. Created by critically acclaimed Marcela Citterio, Lady Voyeur is a story about a hacker named Miranda who is way talented and skilled in her job. For the unversed, Marcela Citterio is known for her brilliant work in movies/series like Se dice Amor, La Nocturna, and Witches Girl. Lady Voyeur has the starcast which includes Débora Nascimento, Emanuelle Aaùjo, Ângelo Rodrigues, and Nikolas Antunes. Débora Nascimento plays the character of the hacker named Miranda, Emanuelle Araújo As Cléo, Nikolas Antunes As Fernando, Ângelo Rodrigues As Heitor, and more. Now, coming to the question of Huntington's disease, we assume that you must have watched Lady Voyeur on Netflix and has multiple questions in mind. Among the most prevalent ones are who is Miranda's unborn child's father and What is Huntington's disease that the hacker was diagnosed with in Lady Voyeur's ending?
Who is Miranda's unborn child's father?
To understand who is Miranda's child's father, let's understand the storyline in brief. Miranda, the hacker, got involved in a mess when her fantasy with Fernando miraculously comes true. Miranda is a highly skilled hacker and her daily routine is to observe the life of Cléo, a luxury escort, and resident of the building opposite hers. However, all of a sudden, Cleo knocks on Miranda's door and asks her to take care of her dog while she takes a trip. Since this day, Miranda's fate changes forever as she also meets the man of her dreams- Fernando. While Fernando and Miranda make love in Cleo's apartment, everything goes wrong after that. When Fernando leaves the apartment, a drunk man arrives at Cleo's apartment and forces himself on Miranda. However, in self-defense, Miranda pushes him away and his head gets bashed in the bathroom. In the middle, Fernando arrives and convinces her that he will take care of the body and she does not go to the Police. Fernando then asks Miranda to work for Heitor who is his brother-in-law as he is married to Zoe (Fernando's stepsister). Fernando tells Miranda to work for Heitor however pass him the information as he believes Heitor is involved in international sex trafficking. Seeing what Fernando did for him to cover up her crime, Miranda accepts the offer.
Cutting long things short, Miranda found herself in trouble in the end as someone is trying to murder her along with her unborn child. While she manages to escape once or twice, we see that it doesn’t last very long, with her being buried alive one time and being caught the next time again. Her captor is Otto, who is killed by Paulo before he takes her away again. It is in the final episode that it turns out that the real mastermind behind everything was Cleo, aka Gabriela, Miranda’s long-lost sister. She has her right where she wants her, tied and bound to a chair in their childhood home, and she is ready to take her revenge. However, Miranda was saved by the Police, however, it was Miranda who shot Cleo in her self-defense.
Now, coming to the question, Miranda is left to pick up the pieces of her life. She gets back together with Heitor. It is naturally assumed that the child is his. However, it is expected that this is the plot the second season of the erotic thriller will focus if it actually goes into pipeline. Either way, she at least accepts the diagnosis for her likelihood of having Huntington’s disease, and the probability of her getting it is 97%. But Miranda has decided to live her life without fear, so she stops making her recordings as well.
What is Huntington’s disease?
For the unversed, Huntington’s disease is an inherited condition in which nerve cells in the brain break down over time. It generally starts in a person's 30s or 40s.
Usually, Huntington's disease results in progressive movement, thinking (cognitive) and psychiatric symptoms. No cure exists, but drugs, physiotherapy and talk therapy can help manage some symptoms. The most common psychiatric disorder associated with Huntington's disease is depression. This isn't simply a reaction to receiving a diagnosis of Huntington's disease. Instead, depression appears to occur because of injury to the brain and subsequent changes in brain function. Signs and symptoms may include: