Jun 20 , 2023

8 great minds that graduated from UCL

By True Scoop

Mahatma Gandhi: Indian independence leader, studied law at UCL and later became an influential figure in nonviolent resistance.

Alexander Graham Bell: Inventor of the telephone, conducted research and taught at UCL, contributing to the field of communication.

Francis Crick: Co-discoverer of the structure of DNA, conducted groundbreaking research at UCL's Medical Research Council Biophysics Unit.

Marie Stopes: Prominent reproductive rights advocate, obtained her PhD in botany from UCL and later founded the first birth control clinic in the UK.

Christopher Nolan: Acclaimed filmmaker, graduated from UCL and went on to direct iconic movies such as Inception and The Dark Knight trilogy.

Malala Yousafzai: Nobel Peace Prize laureate and advocate for girls' education, studied philosophy, politics, and economics at UCL.

J.M.W. Turner: Renowned landscape painter, studied at the UCL School of Fine Art, and his works continue to inspire artists.

Bernard Katz: Nobel Prize-winning neurophysiologist, conducted ground-breaking research on synaptic transmission while at UCL.