May 25 , 2023

9 food items that are considered healthy but are actually not

By True Scoop

Granola: often high in added sugar and calories.

Processed veggie burgers: often high in sodium and other preservatives.

Smoothie bowls: often high in sugar and lacking in protein and fiber.

Sports drinks: often high in added sugar and unnecessary for most people's exercise routines.

Agave nectar: marketed as a healthy alternative to sugar, but it's high in fructose and can lead to insulin resistance.

Canned soups: often high in sodium and preservatives.

Fruit juice: often high in sugar and lacking in fiber.

Gluten free packaged foods: often high in calories, sugar, and other additives to mimic gluten-containing products.

Flavored yogurt: often high in added sugar and lacking in beneficial probiotics.