May 25 , 2023

9 Largest Cities in the United States

By True Scoop

New York: 8.5 million people in New York go on to make New York the largest city in the United States of America.

Los Angeles: With a population of 3.9 million, Los Angeles in the second largest cities in the US.

Chicago: One of the most popular cities, Chicago has 2.7 million people living in it.

Houston: Better known as the Space City, Houston is home to 2.3 million people.

Phoenix: The Valley is the fifth largest city in the US with 1.6 million people residing in it.

Philadelphia: 1.6 million go on to make Philadelphia the sixth largest city in the US.

San Antonio: Also known as River City, San Antonio has 1.5 million people and famous for the Alamo.

San Diego: San Diego s the eighth largest city in the US with almost 1.4 million people residing in the beach city.

Dallas: With $267,600 being the media value of owner-occupied housing units, Dallas is the ninth largest city in America.