Hussaini Hanging Bridge, Pakistan - It has been considered the most dangerous bridge in the world. Hussaini Hanging Bridge is located at 2,600 meters of altitude
Suspension bridge on the Trift glacier, Switzerland - It is currently one of the longest cable suspension bridges in the world
Living Bridges of Meghalaya, India - dare to cross the bridges that have been created in the wettest place on the planet
Langkawi Sky Bridge, Malaysia - . At 125 meters long and located atop Machinchang Mountain, this bridge needs the support of a crane
Royal Gorge Bridge, USA - When going to this bridge we suggest you better not look down.
Eshima Ohashi Bridge, Japan - Despite the continuous tremors in the area, it has never collapsed
Capilano Suspension Bridge, Canada - he bridge itself is quite safe, but there have already been some deaths of people who have not followed the rules
Sidu River Bridge, China - Construction workers had to use a rocket to build the suspension cable.
Canopy Walk, Ghana - It doesn't seem like the best place to visit on a stormy day.