Nov 02 , 2023

Air Pollution’s Top 10 Respiratory Risks

By True Scoop

Asthma Aggravation: Pollution exacerbates asthma symptoms, leading to frequent attacks.

Chronic Bronchitis: Prolonged exposure can cause chronic bronchitis, characterized by persistent cough.

Reduced Lung Function: Pollution hampers lung development in children and reduces overall lung capacity.

Respiratory Infections: Increased susceptibility to respiratory infections like pneumonia and bronchitis.

COPD Development: Long-term exposure contributes to the development of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

Wheezing and Shortness of Breath: Pollutants induce wheezing and difficulty in breathing, especially during physical activity.

Lung Cancer Risk: Higher exposure levels elevate the risk of developing lung cancer significantly.

Airway Inflammation: Pollution causes inflammation of airways, leading to discomfort and breathing difficulties.

Increased Allergies: Pollutants worsen allergies, triggering allergic rhinitis and sinus problems.

Respiratory Mortality: Long-term exposure increases the risk of premature death due to respiratory diseases.

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