Aug 05 , 2023

7 ways that Alcohol can actually help your body

By True Scoop

Cardiovascular Health: Moderate alcohol, particularly red wine, can improve heart health by raising good cholesterol and preventing artery damage.

Digestive Aid: In moderation, certain alcoholic drinks like bitter aperitifs can stimulate appetite and aid in digestion.

Longevity: Some studies suggest moderate alcohol consumption might be associated with increased lifespan, although more research is needed.

Reduced Risk of Gallstones: Moderate alcohol consumption might decrease the risk of gallstones by aiding fat digestion.

Diabetes Prevention: Some research indicates moderate drinking can slightly reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes

Boosts Cognitive Health: Moderate drinking could potentially lower the risk of cognitive decline, although this remains controversia

Stress Reduction: Small amounts of alcohol can temporarily produce a calming effect, reducing stress and promoting relaxation.