Sep 02 , 2023

Top 8 Ancient Schools That Have Existed for More Than 1000 Years

By True Scoop

University of Paris, France: Dating back to the 12th century, it became a center of theological education and intellectual debate.

University of Bologna, Italy: Founded in 1088, it’s one of Europe’s oldest universities, offering a rich history of academic excellence.

Al-Azhar University, Gaza: A branch of the Egyptian university, established around 1300 CE, it continues the legacy of education in the region.

Al-Azhar University, Egypt: Founded in 970 CE, it has played a crucial role in the Islamic world’s education and cultural development.

University of Cambridge, UK: Founded around 1209, it’s another prestigious institution contributing significantly to education and research.

Al-Qarawiyyin University, Morocco: Founded in 859 CE, it is recognized as one of the oldest existing, continually operating educational institutions.

Nalanda University, India: Dating back to the 5th century, Nalanda was an iconic center of learning, attracting scholars from around the world.

Centuries of Wisdom: Exploring the Top 8 Ancient Schools That Have Thrived for Over a Millennium