Yale School of Drama - Renowned for its comprehensive program, Yale School of Drama offers rigorous training in set design, emphasizing creativity, craftsmanship, and collaboration.
Tisch School of the Arts (New York University) - With a strong emphasis on practical experience and hands-on learning, Tisch School of the Arts provides aspiring set designers with opportunities to work on professional productions in the heart of New York City.
Royal Central School of Speech and Drama - Located in London, this prestigious institution offers a comprehensive set design program with a focus on both traditional and innovative approaches to stage and production design.
California Institute of the Arts (CalArts) - Known for its interdisciplinary approach, CalArts provides aspiring set designers with a diverse range of courses, allowing them to explore various aspects of theater, film, and visual arts.
Carnegie Mellon University School of Drama - Offering a highly competitive and rigorous set design program, Carnegie Mellon University School of Drama provides students with a strong foundation in design principles and encourages them to push boundaries and explore innovative concepts.