Aug 18 , 2023

10 Best lesser-known Animal Sanctuaries in America

By True Scoop

The Wildcat Sanctuary, Minnesota: Safe haven for big cats. No-breeding, no-public-visits. Peaceful retirements for rescues from circuses, private ownership.

Elephant Sanctuary, Tennessee: Lush habitats for retired elephants. Naturalistic settings, expert care. Former circus, zoo giants find solace.

Best Friends Animal Society, Utah: Canyon red rock refuge. From dogs to birds, commitment to Save Them All resonates.

Black Beauty Ranch, Texas: Over 1,400 animals, diverse species. From abused circus animals to factory farm rescues, all find peace.

Farm Sanctuary, California and New York: Advocating vegan living. Rescued livestock enjoy meadows, barns. Compassionate care meets education.

Chimp Haven, Louisiana: National Chimpanzee Sanctuary. Forested refuge for biomedical research retirees. Trees, toys, and chimp-friendly care.

Tiger Creek Wildlife Refuge, Texas: Rescued big cats, some with special needs. Rehabilitation, love, and awareness converge.

Wild Horse Sanctuary, California: Thousands of acres for wild horses, burros. Trail rides, outreach. Preserving American wild equines.

Oasis Sanctuary, Arizona: Feathered friend haven. Parrots and exotic birds from neglect find chirpy retirements, dedicated care.

Wolf Sanctuary of PA, Pennsylvania: Woodsy refuge for displaced wolves, wolf-dogs. Moonlit tours, howling symphonies. Respect meets wild spirit.