“Aadmi Aur Insaan” (1969) - A gripping social drama that delves into the complexities of human relationships, with Dharmendra and Saira Banu delivering powerful portrayals.
“Pocket Maar” (1974) - An engaging crime thriller with a family-oriented storyline, featuring Dharmendra and Saira Banu in captivating roles.
“Jwar Bhata” (1973) - A romantic drama with elements of family values, showcasing the chemistry and talent of Dharmendra and Saira Banu.
Resham Ki Dori (1974) - It is a Bollywood film starring Dharmendra and Saira Banu play a Role Dharmendra as Ajit Singh , Saira Banu as Anupama.
Saazish (1975) - In this Movie Saira Banu as Sunita and Dharmendra as Jaideep.