May 25 , 2023

9 'facts' everyone believes that aren't actually true

By True Scoop

You can see The Great Wall of China from space: That’s false! Great Wall Of China is not visible from space at all

Cracking your knuckles will give you arthritis: It does not cause arthritis. It is only bursting of stress bubbles formed between fingers

It takes seven years for your body to digest a piece of gum

Oil stops sticking of Pasta: Oiling only makes your pasta greasy. Stirring helps to separate them from each other

Einstein Failed In Maths: He failed an entrance exam of a school but never flunked in Maths subject

We have only 5 senses: Many studies have revealed that a human body has in total 21 senses

You use only 10% of your brain: This is not true. Every region of brain is used almost every day

Bananas grow on trees: This fruit grow on massive herbs which resemble trees

Bats are blind: This is totally baseless. As per studies bats can clearly see