Alan Turing: Father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence. Invented the Turing machine; a foundational concept in computing.
Grace Hopper: Navy rear admiral. Co-developed COBOL, popularized debugging. A pioneering woman in computer science.
Linus Torvalds: Created the Linux kernel and Git version control system. Influenced open-source software's growth and development.
Bill Gates: Co-founder of Microsoft. Played a pivotal role in the personal computer revolution. Philanthropist.
Ada Lovelace: Often considered the first computer programmer. Worked on Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine, writing the first algorithm.
Mark Zuckerberg: Co-founded Facebook. Turned a dorm project into the world's biggest social media platform.
Guido van Rossum: Developed Python, a major programming language known for its simplicity and wide range of applications.
Bjarne Stroustrup: Invented C++, a widely-used and influential programming language that expanded the C language's capabilities.
Sir Tim Berners-Lee: Invented the World Wide Web. Established foundational technologies like URL, HTML, and HTTP.