Honey and Avocado Face Pack: Nourish and hydrate dry skin with a blend of mashed avocado and honey for a moisturizing boost.
Banana and Yogurt Face Pack: Soothe and soften dry skin using a mixture of ripe banana and yogurt, rich in vitamins and minerals.
Oatmeal and Milk Face Pack: Exfoliate and moisturize dry skin with a concoction of oatmeal and milk for a gentle yet effective treatment.
Aloe Vera and Coconut Oil Face Pack: Replenish dry skin's moisture with a combination of aloe vera gel and coconut oil for a soothing remedy.
Cucumber and Rosewater Face Pack: Refresh and hydrate dry skin using grated cucumber and rosewater, known for their cooling properties.
Almond and Olive Oil Face Pack: Nourish and revitalize dry skin with a mix of ground almonds and olive oil, packed with essential fatty acids.
Papaya and Honey Face Pack: Achieve a radiant glow and moisturize dry skin with a blend of mashed papaya and honey, loaded with antioxidants and hydration.