Indri’s Prestigious Title: Indri Diwali Collector’s Edition 2023 has earned the esteemed title of the best whiskey brand globally in a blind tasting competition by Whiskies of the World.
Proudly Indian: This peated-class whisky is proudly Indian, showcasing the nation’s excellence in the world of spirits.
Unique Ingredients: Crafted from six-row barley, it’s a testament to the use of high-quality ingredients in its production.
Maturation in PX Sherry Casks: The whiskey is matured in PX Sherry Casks, adding a unique and rich flavor profile.
Triumph Over International Brands: Indri Diwali Collector’s Edition 2023 triumphed over more than 100 international brands, solidifying its place as a world-class whiskey.
History of Excellence: Indri has a history of excellence, with previous offerings like Single Malt Trini receiving numerous prestigious awards.
Diwali Collector’s Edition: This special edition is perfect for collectors and connoisseurs, making it a standout addition to Indri’s lineup.
Global Recognition: The whiskey’s global recognition showcases the growing prominence of Indian single malts on the world stage.
Celebrating Indriya: The name ‘Indri’ celebrates the five golden senses of our body and the distillery’s location in Indri, Haryana, adding a touch of cultural significance to the brand.