Aug 28 , 2023

9 Lower back pain relief exercises

By True Scoop

Cat-Cow Stretch: Start on all fours, arch back up (cow) and round it (cat) to promote flexibility and relief.

Child's Pose: Kneel, lower hips to heels, and stretch arms forward for a gentle stretch that soothes lower back.

Bridge Pose: Lie on back, lift hips off ground, engaging glutes and core to strengthen and alleviate lower back pain.

Hamstring Stretch: Sit or lie, extend leg and gently stretch hamstring to release tension that affects lower back.

Knee-to-Chest Stretch: Lie on back, bring one knee towards chest, holding for relief in the lower back.

Piriformis Stretch: Cross one ankle over opposite knee, gently press knee away to stretch the piriformis muscle.

Seated Forward Bend: Sit, extend legs, and bend at hips to reach forward for a deep lower back stretch.

Pelvic Clock Exercise: Lie on back, visualize a clock on pelvis, tilt it in different directions to improve mobility.

Ease Aching Backs: Effective Exercises for Lower Back Pain Relief - Discover a variety of exercises designed to alleviate discomfort and strengthen your lower back.