1 Iraqi Dinar (IQD) is equal to INR 15.6 and 1301.67 US Dollars and it is at number 10 on the list.
1 Cambodian Riel now stands equal to INR 44.82 & approx $3740 US.
1 Paraguayan Guarani (PYG) is valued at 89.35 versus the Indian Rupee.
Guinea’s official currency Franc values at a rate of 102.31 Rs.
Uzbekistan's Som currency values at a rate of 151.33 UZS to 1 Indian Rupee.
Indonesian Rupiah IDR 1 is equal to INR. 197.03.
The official currency of Laos (Laotian Kip) is valued at 272.88 against 1 Indian rupee.
Sierra Leonean's leone value has declined to 254.28 Rupees.
The second least valued currency in the world, the Vietnamese Dong devalued to 304.82 Indian Rupees.
1 Iranian Rial (RR) is valued at 503.76 Indian Rupees and it is the lest valued currency in the world.