Apr 08 , 2024

Most Unsafe Mobile Phones Of 2024

By True Scoop

Galaxy Note 7: From many sources of the phones bursting into flames popped up

HTC First: The faults of the First lay in its middling hardware and stiff competition

Amazon Fire Phone: The pricing to be problematic at the time and this may have been its downfall

Blackberry Storm: The touch screen was inaccurate, insensitive, and unrefined. This was biggest flaw

Kyocera Echo: It was out of place and ill-conceived and, in the end, few bought it

Samsung Galaxy Fold: People found their units with peculiar bulges along the seam

RED Hydrogen One: It was a product that nobody wants, doesn't work, and costs too much

iPhone 6: an issue related to the bending issue called Touch Disease arose, that could spoil your whole scree

V Mobile N8-N: After purchase someone wrote, this is a piece of garbage, it worked for one month and shut down completely

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