Real-life Hobbitton,IRL Locations,Entertainment,OTT Shows,Where is real life Mount Doom,Real life Lost Island,Movies Trivia,TV Show Trivia,TV Show quiz,Movies quiz,Where is real life Kings Landing,Game of Thrones real life Kings Landing,Lord of the Rings8 real-life locations behind popular fictional TV shows & movies
True Scoop
Oct 21 , 2024

8 real-life locations behind popular fictional TV shows & movies

By True Scoop
Real-life Hobbitton,IRL Locations,Entertainment,OTT Shows,Where is real life Mount Doom,Real life Lost Island,Movies Trivia,TV Show Trivia,TV Show quiz,Movies quiz,Where is real life Kings Landing,Game of Thrones real life Kings Landing,Lord of the Rings | 8 real-life locations behind popular fictional TV shows & movies

TVA Archives (Loki), Real-life location: Marriott Marquis Hotel, Atlanta, USA.

Real-life Hobbitton,IRL Locations,Entertainment,OTT Shows,Where is real life Mount Doom,Real life Lost Island,Movies Trivia,TV Show Trivia,TV Show quiz,Movies quiz,Where is real life Kings Landing,Game of Thrones real life Kings Landing,Lord of the Rings | 8 real-life locations behind popular fictional TV shows & movies

Arrakis Desert (Dune, 2021), Real-life location: Wadi Rum, Jordan.

Real-life Hobbitton,IRL Locations,Entertainment,OTT Shows,Where is real life Mount Doom,Real life Lost Island,Movies Trivia,TV Show Trivia,TV Show quiz,Movies quiz,Where is real life Kings Landing,Game of Thrones real life Kings Landing,Lord of the Rings | 8 real-life locations behind popular fictional TV shows & movies

The Island (Lost), Real-life location: Hawaii.


Nathan’s House (Ex-Machina), Real-life location: Juvet Landscape Hotel, Norway.


Lars Homestead (Star War: Episode IV – A New Hope), Real-life location: Nefta, Tunisia


Mount Doom (The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King), Real-life location: Mount Ngauruhoe, New Zealand.


Kings Landing (Game of Thrones), Real-life location: Dubrovnik, Croatia.


Hobbitton, The Shire (The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring): Matamata, New Zealand.

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