May 25 , 2023

8 Chatbot Apps That Can Replace ChatGPT

By True Scoop

With ongoing buzz around ChatGPT, here are top 9 alternatives that will make you forget this chatbot

Google Bard, the recently launched app, uses information available on the web to generate a response to prompts, giving it an extra edge over its competitors

Microsoft Bing as claimed by company is faster and accurate than before. Bing's chat mode allows users to ask for contextual information based on the web queries

JasperChat could be called an old-timer in this Al content generation business as it has been around for a while now. It is built for businesses such as marketing, advertising and more

Socratic by Google generates human-like responses with fun unique graphics to help students understand any complex concept

Character Al is a chatbot that can generate human-like responses. Users can choose from different types of personalities to chat with instead of a single Al chatbot

YouChat allows you to have human-like conversations with your search engine

Unlike ChatGPT, you can use Chatsonic using voice command and it can also reply in voice if you prefer

The OpenAl Playground is a web-based tool that makes it easy for developers to test prompts and get familiar with how API works