Man vs Clock: On whosoever, the bottle stops has to do one challenge in less than a minute
Two resolutions and a lie: Each person shares 3 resolutions out of which 2 are true and one is a lie. Others have to guess which one is a lie
Cotton Ball race: Teams are formed, members have to dip their nose in Vaseline then try to stick a cotton ball on the same and then collect it in a ball
Truth or dare: The bottle spins and on whosoever it stops, the person either has to complete a dare or tell one secretive truth
Dumb Charades: Teams are formed. While one-member mimics the film other team members have to guess about the same
Musical Chairs: A game that everyone is acquainted with and never goes out of trend
Never have I ever: All have drinks in their hand. One-person states something and people who have done that take a sip from their drink
Word Game: It starts with one game then other person has to say the word that comes to his mind hearing the previous word
Dice game: Dice is rolled and the number that comes up, person has to those number of dares given by others