May 25 , 2023

Top 9 most dangerous states in India

By True Scoop

Uttar Pradesh: The per capita crime rate of UP is 7.4. According to the NCRB data, this ratio means that Uttar Pradesh has the highest number of crimes, and hence, the state is unsafe to travel alone.

Jharkhand is another state that doesn't have proper safety measures in place. Many criminal cases are not registered to the police.

Meghalaya: Some areas in Meghalaya are said to be unsafe for travel and restricted for people.

Delhi is often known as the Rape capital of India which directly speaks about the safety and crime ratio of the UT.

Assam: As compared to other states, Assam has registered a crime ratio of 4.4 per capita in India.

Chhattisgarh: Crime has increased to a great extent in Chhattisgarh. The state has a crime rating of 4 per capita and this is an alarming number enough to mention.

Haryana: The state of Haryana is infamous for robbery, theft, bribery, murder, rape, and more. Thus, the political powers are trying to take stringent measures to control the crime rate.

Odisha is known for larceny, theft, and bribery. Various areas have been targeted for drugs and drunkenness.

Andhra Pradesh: Last but, not least in the crime rates in Andhra Pradesh. The state has increased to a 3.6 per capita ratio of crime in India.