Turkish Coffee
Turkish Coffee is number 10 & it is made with finely ground roasted coffee beans with cold water in a traditional coffee pot.
Italy's Espresso is both the name of a coffee beverage and the method of brewing coffee.It number 9 on the list.
Vietnamese Iced Coffee
It is a drink that combines strong coffee, condensed milk, and ice. It is traditionally made with medium or coarse ground Vietnamese-grown coffee.
This Italian coffee is half of a single shot of espresso. It differs from a standard espresso in the amount of water used for its preparation.
Frappé coffee
Greece's famous coffee is made by combining instant coffee with water and ice. It is usually prepared in a shaker or a hand mixer.
This Italian coffee is made with espresso and steam-foamed milk. It is number 5 on the list.
Freddo cappuccino
This Greek coffee is made with espresso; usually a double shot, which is first blended with ice, strained, and then poured over ice.
Espresso freddo
This Greek coffee primarily blends the two ingredients (espresso and ice) until the coffee is slightly chilled, smooth, and creamy.
South Indian filter coffee
This coffee is a preparation technique in which coffee is brewed with the use of an Indian coffee filter. It is number 2 on the list.
Café Cubano
It is type of espresso that originated in Cuba. It consists of an espresso shot that is sweetened with demerara sugar.