Burari Death Case: In 2018, 11 people of the Bhatia family died by suicide, in Burari, Delhi. It shook the entire nation
Heaven’s Gate Mass Suicide: In 1997, 39 members of the group died by mass suicide, after consuming poison
The 2001 Monkey Man Horror: 40 were attacked by a ‘monkey man’ – who apparently left scratches and bites on people
The Jonestown Mass Murder-Suicide: 909 people, including children, died after they were forced to consume poison
2006 “Strawberries with Sugar virus” Case: Over 300 students exhibited symptoms like dizziness, rashes, and breathing troubles
Nirbhaya Case: 23-year-old girl was raped and assaulted by six men inside a bus. Whole nation fought for justice
The 2016 Tromp Family Trip: A family of five just vanished one day from their house were till date are not found