Dec 03 , 2023

8 Vegetables that are only available in Winters

By True Scoop

Brussels Sprouts: These small, cabbage-like vegetables are known for their sweet and nutty flavor.

Kale: Kale is a hardy leafy green that becomes sweeter after exposure to frost. It is often available throughout the winter months

Winter Squash: Varieties such as butternut, acorn, and spaghetti squash are commonly associated with the fall and winter seasons.

Parsnips: These root vegetables have a sweet and earthy flavor. They are usually harvested after the first frost

Turnips: Turnips are versatile root vegetables that are often harvested in the late fall and can be enjoyed throughout the winter months

Rutabagas: Similar to turnips, rutabagas are root vegetables that thrive in cooler temperatures.

Leeks: Leeks are a type of onion with a milder flavor. They are typically harvested in the fall and winter months

Cabbage: Cabbage is a cool-season crop that can be harvested in the late fall and early winter.

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