Jul 12 , 2023

9 Youngest Countries in the World!

By True Scoop

South Sudan: Declared independence from Sudan in 2011, making it the youngest country in the world.

Timor-Leste: Gained independence from Indonesia in 2002 after a long struggle for self-determination.

Montenegro: Declared independence from Serbia in 2006, following the dissolution of the former Yugoslavia.

Kosovo: Declared independence from Serbia in 2008, although its status remains a subject of international debate.

Eritrea: Achieved independence from Ethiopia in 1993 after a long war for independence.

Palau: Gained independence from the United States in 1994 and became a sovereign nation.

Slovakia: Declared independence from Czechoslovakia in 1993 after the peaceful dissolution of the federation.

Czech Republic: Emerged as an independent country in 1993 following the peaceful dissolution of Czechoslovakia.

Namibia: Gained independence from South Africa in 1990 after a period of apartheid and armed resistance.