Former Indian Cricketer-turned Punjabi actor Yograj Singh has been buzzing on the internet over his various bizarre remarks. Yograj Singh who often remains in controversy due to his remarks has been featured in an interview on Unfiltered with Samdish's YouTube channel where he called himself 'the emperor of the universe' and talked about parenting style. Not only this but Yograj Singh also mocked Hindi as a language and called it 'womanly'. Furthermore, Yograj expressed his wish to coach Team India and even end the superstar culture.
The former Indian cricketer also talked about Yuvraj Singh's tough childhood when he was only 9. Yograj accepted that he threw his skates when Yuvi (Yuvraj) was only 9 years-old. However, Yograj denied he ever hit Yuvraj Singh during his childhood. While speaking he even called one of the blockbuster and classic movies of Aamir Khan pathetic as it set a bad example of parenting. Below is what Yograj Singh said-
Yograj Singh on Taare Zameen Par
Speaking about Yuvraj Singh's childhood, Yograj Singh said, "I have never hit anyone. I have not even hit Yuvi (Yuvraj Singh) ever." On being confronted he threw Yuvraj Singh's skates, Yograj said, "Yes I threw his skates, but that is called hitting your child."
On being pointed out that it is killing a child's dreams and wishes, Yograj Singh reverted, "Kon sa Bacha? A child will become the person that his father wants him to be. That's my way."
On being asked if he has watched Taare Zameen Par, Yograj said, "Yes I have watched it and it was pathetic (bari vahiyat lagi). I don't even watch such kinds of movies. Generals leave Earth after creating something. Nothing can be created by this. Only Yankees can be produced by this."
"This is why this country remained a slave for a thousand of years... self-defense is very important. If there is a garland in your one hand, then your hand should have some weapon," added Yograj Singh.
Yograj Singh on Hindi Language
When asked if he watches Hindi films, Yograj Singh said, "Are Hindi movies worth watching? I don't like Indian actors." When naming actors like Ranveer Singh or Ranbir Kapoor, he said, "All of them are useless." When naming Baahubali, he said, "What Baahubali, leave it."
"..Lawrence of Arabia, Godfather, these are pictures," said Yigraj Singh.
"I feel the Hindi language is like a woman is speaking. I like it but only when a woman speaks. When a man speaks Hindi it's like who is even he. Manly language is like 'Ki Haal Hai Paaji Thik Thak? (Punjabi). This is the language," said Yograj Singh.