The much-awaited prison drama, Black Warrant was released on Netflix on January 10, 2025. Ever since its release, Black Warrant has been the most-watched web series of the week on Netflix in India. Created by Vikramaditya Motwane, and Satyanshu Singh, Black Warrant is a real story based on the book Black Warrant: Confessions of a Tihar Jailer, written by Sunil Gupta and Sunetra Choudhury. Sunil Kumar Gupta served at Delhi's Tihar Jail as a jailor for 21 years. During his stint at Tihar, Sunil witnessed 8 capital punishments inside the jail. Sunil Kumar Gupta's bond with 'Bikini Killer' Charles Sobhraj has been discussed a lot in the Netflix series.
Since you have landed on this page, True Scoop assumes that you have already watched Black Warrant on Netflix and wondering about Black Warrant True Story or Black Warrant Real Story. Moreover, you are digging deep into Charles Sobhraj getting VIP treatment inside Delhi's Tihar Jail.
Why was Charles Sobhraj given VIP treatment?
'Serial Killer' Charles Sobhraj enjoyed a major freedom inside the Tihar Jail. He had a great bond with the Jail officials and his barrack was separate that was filled with all kinds of amenities. Black Warrant series has showcased that Charles could roam anywhere inside the jail whenever he wanted. In fact, it was Charles who helped Sunil Kumar Gupta in getting him an appointment letter from the Tihar Jail official.
The Netflix series has showcased that Charles enjoyed all types of facilities inside the jail. Be it the fridge, be it Television, be it cooler, be it food from restaurants, Charles had access to all. What was even more eyebrow-raising was that Charles used to get girls inside his barrack.
Now, the question is how Charles Sobhraj managed to secure this. Well, the series has answered this question as well. The series mentions that Charles kept recording his every interaction with the jail officials, Police officials. By keeping the recordings of their conversation, Charles used to blackmail officers to expose them. Hence, this is how Charles used to get all kinds of facilities inside the jail.
Notably, the series also mentions that an Indian Express report at that time exposed the Tihar Jail administration for giving Charles VIP treatment inside the jail. Due to the report, (then) Home Minister Zail Singh paid a surprise visit to Tihar Jail. Zail Singh also had a private conversation with Charles inside his barrack.