Gaini Harpreet Singh, Gaini Harpreet Singh On Khalistan Mob Attack, Gaini Harpreet Singh on Brampton Temple Attack: Takht Sri Damdama Sahib Jathedar Giani Harpreet Singh on Wednesday slammed the social media narratives saying that Sikhs attacked a Hindu Temple in Brampton, Canada. Giani Harpreet Singh who is former Akal Takht Jathedar was in Amritsar on November 6, 2024 to attend a meeting of Sikh intellectuals at the Akal Takht Secretariat. During this, Giani Harpreet Singh interacted with the media and broke his silence on the mob attack on Hindu Sabha Mandir in Brampton.
Giani Harpreet Singh said, "No attack was made on Temple. Sikhs never attack anyone's religious place even during the 1984 when Sikhs (including Gurdwara's) were attacked, Sikhs didn't attacked on anyone. Whatever happened in Brampton was a clash between two groups, outside the temple, that is unfortunate and the same should not happen." Further Jathedar said, Social media handles are setting a wrong narrative towards the Sikh community.
Furthermore, Giani Harpreet Singh said the latest attack on Brampton Temple is "deep-rooted conspiracy against the Sikhs and an attempt to vitiate peace."
"Whatever happened in Canada is highly condemnable. Yet, the Sikhs can never think of attacking the temples of any faith. It has never happened. Even during the November 1984 anti-Sikh riots when the Golden Temple, Akal Takht and 35 other gurdwaras were attacked, not a single incident of attacking of any Hindu temple surfaced. The Canada violence is a pre-planned conspiracy and a mere altercation outside the Brampton Hindu temple is being manipulated by miscreants to defame the Sikhs,” he said. Giani Harpreet Singh pointed out reports of vehicles being damaged outside Malton gurdwara.
Attack on Brampton's Hindu Temple
Talking about the Khalistan mob attack on Brampton's temple, the mob was seen carrying flags associated with pro-Khalistani groups. The Hindu Canadian Foundation, a non-profit community organisation, which responded on social media, said children and women were also attacked in the incident. Multiple reports suggest that a group of Khalistani supporters were holding a demonstration to commemorate the 1984 anti-Sikh riots before the attack took place.
The Khalistani attack on the Hindu temple in Brampton is seen as an attack on a consular camp Indian diplomats had held in collaboration with the temple to provide consular services to senior citizens. Such camps have been routinely held by the Indian High Commission.