In a bizarre development, a unique cheating case was witnessed in the marriage season when a groom from Dubai arrived in Punjab to marry the love he found on Instagram. The groom is named Deepak Kumar, son of Prem Chand. He is a native of village Madiala falling under Tehsil Nakodar of district Jalandhar. Deepak works in Dubai and he became friends with a girl with a fake name of Manpreet Kaur on social media.
After their love flourished on social media, they decided to get married without even meeting each other in real life. The wedding was fixed to take place in Rose Garden Palace of Moga. The groom reached Moga with the entire baraat at around 12 o'clock. After reaching Moga it was found that there is no palace by this name. When the groom called the girl, she told him to wait at the spot as she was sending someone to pick them up. After that, the girl switched off the phone. The groom along with about 100 baraatis stood hungry and thirsty in Lohara Chowk from 12 noon to 6 pm but no one came, then finally at 6 pm he lodged a report in the police station.
While talking to the media, the groom revealed that he is from village Madiala Mahatpur near Tehsil Nakodar and works in a company in Dubai. Deepak revealed that the girl also asked for 50, 60 thousand rupees for expenses.
When asked that did you visit the girl's house or her family, the groom's father said that he did not talk personally but he did talk to the girl and first the wedding was scheduled for December 2 but the girl said that her father is not well so the wedding will be on December 6 and the palace that was told is not in Moga.
The groom's family also took a bank loan to carry out the wedding and brought 100s of Baaratis.