Daughter of Tekchand, Priyanka has been chosen as the captain of the Punjab women's cricket team. Her father sells egg near Lal Batti Chowk in Fazilka. Her father says that Priyanka has not only brought glory to Fazilka but to the entire Punjab. Not only this, she has also won the first match held recently in Rajkot.
Tekchand said that his daughter Priyanka was very fond of playing cricket since childhood. Her dream of becoming a cricketer was fulfilled by the Fazilka District Cricket Association.
District Cricket Association’s coach Arpit trained her incricket and made her an expert. Initially, Priyanka had joined the Moga Cricket Association during her studies in Faridkot. Following this, she proved her passion while playing with the Barnala Cricket Association along with her studies.
Today, she has been selected as the captain of the women's under-23 interstate T-20 team of Punjab. Her father proudly said that Priyanka has not only brought glory to the city of Fazilka but also to Punjab.
He revealed that his daughter was fond of playing cricket since she was 17 years old. He has also supported his daughter in her journey. His daughter is no less than a son for him. Her father told that due to his daughter's dedication and hard work, today she has been chosen as the captain of the Punjab team.