In a shocking incident, Jalandhar's Goraya Police on Monday arrested a 'fake' NRI for duping & developing a physical relationship with at least 40 women. The 'fake' NRI duped the women on the pretext of taking them to Canada. The man identified as Harpal Singh used to tell the women that he was an NRI and resided in Canada. Harpal Singh is a resident of Behala village in Barnala. A case has been registered against the accused under sections 420, 380, 386, 465, 468, 471, and 376 of IPC in the Goraya police station.
As per the Police officials, Harpal Singh cheated about 40 girls and had physical relations. The police informed that Harpal came in contact with the women through his fake profile on The cops further informed that Harpal used to target women from Delhi, Punjab, and Chandigarh.
Harpal's fraud came to the fore after an investigation of the Police officials. To be precise, the Police had registered a case regarding fraud of Rs 1.50 lakh on a complaint from a girl from Goraya. After which the police also issued summons to the accused to join the investigation. But he did not participate.
After investigating the case, the police arrested Harpal. He was produced before the court and thereafter he was sent to remand. Notably, the Police sense that the number of women he duped may increase. A Police official was quoted saying that during the initial investigation, about 5 girls from Goraya have come forward who were dipped lakhs of rupees by the Barnala man. The accused Harpal's father runs a small shop inside the village in Barnala. The police have recovered a car, a phone, and a passport from the accused.