In a major development, the date of the election of the Mayor, Senior Deputy Mayor, and Deputy Mayor of Jalandhar Municipal Corporation was announced on Wednesday. In an official notification issued by Jalandhar Division, Commissioner, Daljit Singh Mangat, it was announced that the meeting of Jalandhar MC will take place on January 11, 2025. In the meeting, winning councillors of Jalandhar MC Elections 2024 will take the oath. After the oath-taking ceremony, Mayor, Senior Deputy Mayor, and Deputy Mayor of Jalandhar will be elected.
Jalandhar MC meeting will take place on January 11 at 3 pm in Red Cross Bhawan. Notably, AAP on Wednesday stretched it lead in Jalandhar MC to 45 after Satya Rani, from Ward Number 17 of Jalandhar Cantt joined the party. It made a safe way for the AAP's Mayor candidate. Although the majority mark for the Mayor post is 43, AAP has now provided itself a cushion in case there are any cross-voting takes place.
As per sources in the known development, AAP has almost finalised Vaneet Dhir's name to be Jalandhar's Mayor Candidate. Only a formal announcement is yet to be made. Furthermore, sources suggest that AAP may nominate Aruna Arora for the Deputy Mayor post. AAP leader Aruna Arora was the Councillor of Jalandhar's posh area Model Town and she has been very actively working for the city’s welfare. Before the elections, Congress candidate Siya Sharma, wife of Sumit Sharma withdrew her nomination.
Who is Vaneet Dhir?
Hailing from Jalandhar, Vaneet Dhir is involved in the business of wallpaper and home decor products. Signage Manufacturers of leading corporates for the past 25 years. Talking about Vaneet Dhir's educational qualification, the new Mayor of Jalandhar has a Diploma in Computer Applications and a Diploma in Business Management. He did his matriculation from KVM Ludhiana.
Vaneet Dhir was among the top faces of AAP for the Jalandhar MC Elections 2024. He won from Ward Number 62 by more than 4000 votes. The AAP candidate defeated Congress's Sanjeev Dua quite comfortably. BJP candidate Balwinder Singh withdrew his nomination from Ward number 62.