Indian billionaire Gautam Adani on Tuesday reached Prayagraj to attend the Mahakumbh 2025. Gautam Adani, his wife, Priti Adani, who is the Chairperson of the Adani Foundation, and son, Karan Adani, the Managing Director of Adani Ports and SEZ Limited (APSEZ), also offered prayers at Triveni Sangam. Gautam Adani also visited the camp of the ISKCON temple at the fair and helped cook Mahaprasad. Notably, Gautam Adani also announced Jeet Adani's wedding date and commented on the rumors that are going viral saying that Hollywood stars like Taylor Swift, Zayn Malik will perform at Jeet Adani's wedding.
Jeet Adani's wedding
Interacting with the media, Gautam Adani said, "Jeet's marriage is on 7th February. Our working style is like that of common people. Jeet also came here (Mahakumbh) to seek blessings from Goddess Ganga. His marriage will be very simple and with full traditional ways."
A journalist asked point blank whether Jeet Adani's marriage will be attended by celebrities and officials? Another journalist asked whether Jeet's marriage will be a 'Mahakumbh of celebrities?'
Responding to it, Gautam Adani said, "Absolutely not. The wedding will take place in a traditional manner in an inmate ceremony in the presence of family."
What are the rumors surrounding Jeet Adani's wedding?
It has been alleged that Jeet Adani's wedding will be at par with Anant Ambani's wedding. Chefs of 58 countries will take care of the taste and flavour of the guests coming from India and abroad in the wedding of Gautam Adani's younger son Jeet Adani.
Talking about celebrities' performance in Jeet Adani's marriage, there are rumors that it will attended by Hollywood singer & rapper Travis Scott. Travis Scott is likely to perform at Jeet Adani's wedding. Reports further suggest that Yo Yo Honey Singh will also perform at the wedding.
Taylor Swift's name has also popped up that she may perform at Jeet Adani's wedding.
Jeet is marrying Diva Jaimin Shah, daughter Jaimin Shah who is a prominent diamond trader and owner of C. Dinesh and Co. Private Limited. C