Inderjit Kaur has become the first female Mayor of Ludhiana, marking a historic moment for the city. At an event held today at Guru Nanak Bhavan, the Aam Aadmi Party has announced the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Senior Deputy Mayor. Rakesh Parashar Sen, brother of MLA Ashok Pappi, was named Senior Deputy Mayor while Prince Johar was named the Deputy Mayor.
Inderjit Kaur from Ward 13, is a member of AAP since 2013. She was previously a principal at a private school. Her husband is a businessman
Punjab AAP President Aman Arora shared this information during a press conference. However, BJP councilors raised objections, claiming voting should have been conducted through ballot papers, which was not done.
Responding to this, Aman Arora clarified that the Municipal Act mandates voting by show of hands, under which all three AAP candidates secured victory. He also noted that Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann had earlier tweeted the names of their nominees.
Addressing the media, Mayor Inderjit Kaur shared about her priorities, including completing Ludhiana’s pending projects and resolving issues related to the Budha Nullah.
Following this, she emphasized on collaborating with councilors from opposition parties in order to ensure effective governance.
Prince Johar from Ward 40, has been appointed as the Deputy Mayor, while Rakesh Parashar from Ward 90, has become the new Senior Deputy Mayor. During the press conference, Aman Arora expressed pride in AAP’s achievements, not only in Ludhiana but all across Punjab, claiming 100% success in their municipal corporation appointments.
He acknowledged public support and dismissed the opposition’s protests, stating, “It is the role of opposition parties to oppose, but we will focus on delivering results.”