The much-awaited suspense thriller Missing You was released on Netflix on January 1, 2025. Directed by Sean Spencer, Missing You revolves around Detective Kat Donovan who is heading the Special Missing Persons Unit in the US Police. Kat Donovan is also trying to find out the truth behind the killing of his father who was also a Police officer. Furthermore, Kat Donovan is also dealing with a sour breakup as her fiance named Josh ghosted her after engagement, and that too at the time when she lost her father.
Missing You is a limited series is based on the novel by Harlan Coben. Since the series digs deep inside the US Police special branch, the question arises whether Missing Persons Unit is actual a real team or a subsidiary of the US Police or not.
Is there a real Mission Persons Unit?
The answer is yes. There are special units of Mission Persons present in the US Police. The US Department of Justice talks about the Missing Persons Unit and links it to Interpol as well. The website reads, "The Missing Persons Unit (MPU) at INTERPOL Washington is dedicated to leveraging its resources, technology, and expertise to assist law enforcement agencies and families in locating missing individuals."
"MPU collaborates with Interpol's global network of 196 member countries, domestic and international law enforcement agencies, and international partners to share information, coordinate efforts, and enhance cross-border cooperation in locating missing persons as well as inquiries related to unidentified human remains. We also have close relationships with the U.S. Marshals Service, Department of Homeland Security, NamUs, FBI CODIS, and the INTERPOL General Secretariat (IPSG)."
The official website further reads, "MPU's internal resources include access to INTERPOL's extensive databases, which contain information on DNA, unidentified bodies, fingerprints, facial recognition, and more. These databases assist to quickly match and ID individuals, helping reunite families and ensure justice."
Missing You Characters Guide
Apart from a gripping storyline, Missing You has a stellar starcast as well. Missing You features Rosalind Eleazar as Kat Donovan, Ashley Walters As Josh Buchanan, Mary Malone as Aqua, Jessica Plummer As Stacey Embalo, Richard Armitage as Ellis Stagger, Sir Lenny Henry as Clint Donovan and more in the leading roles.