‘Modi has a chance…’: Punjab Kisan Sangarsh Secretary Sarwan Singh opens up prior to Chandigarh meeting

General Secretary of Punjab Kisan Mazdoor Sangarsh Committee revealed his thoughts regarding the farmers’ ‘Delhi Chalo’ march and what the government can do to help earn the farmers’ favour and enter their good graces

Punjab, Trending, Farmers Protest, FarmersProtest, Delhi Chalo March, Delhi Protest Farmers, Kisan Andolan, Kisan Union, Farmers Union, Sarwan Singh Pandher, Punjab Kisan Mazdoor Sangarsh Committee- True Scoop

General Secretary of Punjab Kisan Mazdoor Sangarsh Committee Sarvan Singh Pandher revealed his thoughts regarding the farmers’ ‘Delhi Chalo’ march and what the government can do to help earn the farmers’ favour and enter their good graces. Sitting with ANI, he said that this is a chance for PM Modi to win the hearts of farmers’ everywhere. He says that important decisions will be made after in the meeting to be held with 200 kisan unions.


Further elaborating on this he laid out the farmers demands that the government needs to address and the farmers are hopeful will be addressed in the upcoming meeting. These include debt waivers for the farmers and implementation of C20+50% formula in MSP on their yields as per the recommendations by the Swaminathan Commission. He also asked for justice for the Lakhimpur victims.


He further said that addressing these concerns is a golden opportunity for Prime Minister Narendra Modi to earn the good graces of farmers’ everywhere. He said that currently, removal of the PM from the cabinet of ministers would be a welcome decision by the farmers but this can be changed if the government decides to accept their demands. He says it’s a matter of the cases registered against the farmers in Chandigarh and Delhi, revoking Bijli Sanshodhan Bill (Electricity Amendment Bill) and alleviating farming from the pollution act. He also says that these protests are being carried out in support of the labour community as well including proper dispersion of NREGA amendments in their demands. They also demand minimum pension of Rs 10,000 for farmers of 60+ age. He hopes that satisfactory decisions will be made regarding these demands.
