In a major development, Dal Khalsa and Shiromani Akali Dal (A) took out a foot march in Jalandhar on Republic Day's Eve i.e. on January 25 2025. During the foot march, Pro-Khalistan slogans were also raised. Giving information about the matter, one of the leaders said that this fury march is being taken out in protest against Republic Day. He has alleged that in the last 70 years, the rights of Punjab have been snatched through this constitution. He further said that after a long time, the Sikhs adopted this constitution.
During this, allegations were made of snatching many rights of Punjab including water. Those who want to separate from this country are being targeted in Punjab and abroad. At the same time, many soldiers of Punjab were jailed under UAPA and NSA. During this time, the release of the detained Jathebandi is not being done in Punjab. There is a law in the world in which people should have the right to decide for themselves whether they want to live in this right or not.
He said that the people of Punjab are not getting even this right, due to which they do not want to celebrate this Republic Day. During this, he said holding placards in his hands that the 'freedom of Punjab is the only solution'. The protest march was to be taken out in Jalandhar, Mansa, and Gurdaspur, but except for Jalandhar, the leaders of these groups were put under house arrest in the other two districts.