Recently, Rajya Sabha MP from Ludhiana, Sanjeev Arora said that Air India has confirmed him that flight operations from Halwara Airport will begin in the future.
On 11th January, MP Sanjeev Arora shared a post on X, announcing about the flight operations. The post reads, “Delighted to share that Air India has confirmed they will commence flights from Halwara International Airport once all regulatory approvals are met. This marks a significant step in enhancing connectivity to Ludhiana and unlocking new opportunities for Punjab’s business and tourism sectors. My heartfelt thanks to all stakeholders for turning this vision into reality!”
He said that Air India’s Group Head GRC & Corporate Affairs, P Balaji has informed him that Air India will commence flight operations to Halwara airport after they are officially given permission from AAI and receive all necessary regulatory approvals. With this, Air India will become the first airline to offer flight operations from Ludhiana.
P Balaji has informed Sanjeev Arora about the flight operations and said, “this new development marks an exciting milestone in our efforts to expand connectivity to Punjab, benefiting both business and tourism sector”.
“We deeply appreciate your ongoing support and commitment to the advancement of India’s aviation infrastructure,” he further wrote.
As per Face2News, Air India team visited Ludhiana on 29th August, 2024 to interact with the representatives of industries and various local groups in order to study the feasibility of flight operations. This team included Manish Puri, Head of Sales-India, Kartikey Bhatt, AVP Network Planning and Gaurav Khanna.
Arora had been in touch with Kartikeya Bhatt. MP Sanjeev Arora said that communication from Air India will allow us to expedite the requisite permissions from allied agencies.
He had further written that the people of Ludhiana are waiting for the commencement of civil flight operations from the city. Air India’s confirmation will bring the much-needed assurance.