Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) leader Sukhbir Singh Badal's daughter Harkirat Kaur Badal's pre-wedding festive has begun. On Monday, Punjabi singer & former Bigg Boss contestant Afsana Khan took to her Instagram handle and shared multiple inside videos of Harkirat Kaur Badal's pre-wedding celebration. In the video, SAD leader Bikram Majithia did Gidda, while Sukhbir Singh Badal grooved on Afsana Khan's songs. Harsimrat Kaur Badal also enjoyed her daughter Harkirat Kaur Badal's Pre-Wedding celebration.
Harkirat Kaur Badal Wedding
As per sources in the known development, Harkirat Kaur Badal's wedding will take place on February 12. Sukhbir Badal & Harsimrat Kaur Badal's elder daughter Harkirat will get married to Tejveer Tur. Tejveer Tur's family hails from Kapurthala and comes from an agricultural background. Sources further revealed that Harkirat Kaur's husband's family's business is well-settled in Dubai and Canada.
Sources also revealed that Tejveer comes from a big business family of Doaba. His family has no political background and his family moved out from Punjab a long time ago.
Harkirat Kaur Badal's wedding will take place in Delhi on February 12. The pre-wedding celebration will take place in the SAD leader's ancestral village. On Sunday, Afsana Khan shared the video of Harkirat Kaur's pre-wedding celebration that took place in Badal village in Punjab. The celebration was attended by Sukhbir Badal's close relatives and locals known to the family.
As per the source, Harkirat Kaur's wedding will be attended by many VVIP guests in Delhi. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and Home Minister Amit Shah have already been invited by the Badal family for the wedding in Delhi.
For those who are unaware, Harkirat Kaur is the elder daughter of former Punjab Deputy CM Sukhbir Singh Badal and Harsimrat Kaur Badal. As per reports, Harkirat has studied humanities at DU's famous Lady Shri Ram College.
In July 2023, Harsimrat Kaur Badal took to her X handle and shared that both her daughters- Harkirat and Gurleen have completed their Masters Degree. Sharing both their pictures, she wrote, "Congratulations to you, our dear daughters, Harkirat and Gurleen, on completing yout Masters Degree! Immensely proud of your hard work and dedication. Watching you both achieve this milestone fills our hearts with overwhelming joy and pride. Here's wishing you a future filled with boundless opportunities and selfless service."
(PC: X)