January 21, 2025; Well this date marks a special day for late Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput's fans all around the world. Sushant Singh Rajput would have celebrated his 39th birthday on Tuesday i.e. January 21, 2025, if he had been alive. Nevertheless, fans around the world on Tuesday will celebrate Sushant Singh Rajput Birthday as the actor still remains in the hearts of the people. While Sushant Singh Rajput Birthday 2025 is on Tuesday, his fans, family, and friends are still waiting for a closure report from the CBI over the cause of his mysterious death. Keeping the controversy around his death aside, did you know that Sushant Singh Rajput's one movie was never released after the success of MS Dhoni: The Untold Story?
Sushant Singh Rajput Birthday: SSR's unreleased movie
Eight years ago, Sushant Singh Rajput appeared in an interview on Bollywood Hungama in which he opened up on working in the movie titled 'Takadum'. "Last few days I have been prepping for my next film Takadum. Parineeti, me, and Irrfan; we are the starcast. So, yeah, I have been practicing guitar, I have been reading my scripts and I have been getting messages, a lot many messages lately. So, I am trying to reply to everybody. I am not very good with phones. I am trying my best to reply to everybody," Sushant Singh Rajput had said.
(PC: Sushant Singh Rajput/Facebook)
Why Sushant Singh Rajput's movie Takadum was shelved?
For the unversed, an Indian Express report published in 2017 confirmed that Sushant Singh Rajput's movie Takadum was put on hold. Takadum was made by Homi Adjaania. In 2017, Homi stated that Takadum was not shelved and he decided to hold the project as he was not happy with the script. However, with the death of Sushant Singh Rajput and Irrfan Khan, the movie was ultimately shelved.
Homi was quoted saying, "When it (story) got translated from an English set up to Hindi, it seemed like a forced fit as a story in Mumbai. I tried to fix it up then but (that did not work out) now it (film) has gone for rewriting. It’s not shelved right now. It’s still an open working possibility."
The filmmaker stated that the only reason for Takadum being put on the back burner was the final story. “I was very happy with the initial story. It’s a story based in New York in English and I was trying to put in the Mumbai setup. When we translated it, I felt people like this don’t exist in Mumbai I felt it was forced."
It is pertinent to mention here that Sushant Singh Rajput was found dead at his Bandra residence on June 14, 2020. Following Sushant Singh Rajput's death, many claimed that the actor died by suicide, while others called it a murder. Amid the debate, the entire Hindi film fraternity came under the scanner. Karan Johar and many other Bollywood celebrities were accused of sidelining Sushant Singh Rajput.