Team India star batter Virat Kohli is all set to make his return to the domestic circuit by playing a Ranji Match. Virat Kohli will be playing for Delhi in the upcoming New Delhi vs Railways Match starting on Friday. On Tuesday, Virat Kohli practiced at the Arun Jaitely Stadium along with the youngsters and his childhood friends. In the meanwhile many photos and videos of Virat Kohli during the practice session are going viral on social media. One of the photos that amped up curiosity among fans was Virat Kohli's watch-like wristband that he wore.
The 36-year-old Delhi cricketer was seen wearing a wristband in his hand during the practice session at the New Delhi cricket stadium. Now, the question is why does Virat Kohli often the watch-like wristband not only during practice sessions but also during international matches and moreover what is it?
True Scoop tried to dig more into Virat Kohli's fitness wristband and tried to reverse search his image on Google. It found that Virat Kohli's wristband is nothing but a 'Hydroknit Wrist Band'. This type of wristband is on sale on the Amazon shopping platform. On one of the similar products present on Amazon mentions that 'HydroKnit sits at the intersection of performance and science...must-have for water sports, high-sweat activities, or just taking a shower.' The band is mainly designed to wick away sweat.
Virat Kohli in the Ranji Trophy
Virat Kohli is making a comeback in the Ranji trophy after a diktat from the BCCI that made it compulsory for international or senior players to play domestic cricket if they are available. The diktat was issued after Team India's dismal performance in two back-to-back Test series. Team India lost to New Zealand at home by 3-0 and thereafter, Rohit Sharma & Co lost the Border Gavaskar Trophy by 3-1. Virat Kohli managed to score a ton in the first test but failed to deliver in any other matches in Australia. Virat was repeatedly dismissed by poking at off-stump ball, a gameplan that was first exploited in 2014 during the England tour by James Anderson.