Indian cricket fraternity went into shock on Thursday evening when reports started to surface on Virender Sehwag's divorce. At one time, Virender Sehwag Divorce became one of the searched topics on social media and fans began to dig into the cricketer's personal life. As per reports, Virender Sehwag's divorce is on the cards as he and his wife Aarti Ahlawat are already living separately. It is said that Virender Sehwag and his wife Aaryti Ahlawat have been living separately for the past several months.
As a result, fans have been digging deep into Virender Sehwag's divorce reason. Many are also digging deep to know about Virender Sehwag's wife Aarti Ahlawat.
What went wrong between Virender Sehwag and Aarti Ahlawat?
None of the reports have revealed Virender Sehwag's divorce reason. Hence, to know the exact Virender Sehwag's cause of divorce, fans must wait until the couple make their split official. Neither Sehwag nor Aarti have made any official comment on their divorce.
In the meanwhile, Sehwag and his wife, Aarti, have unfollowed each other on Instagram intensifying ongoing divorce rumours. Not only this, but Aarti has made her Instagram account private. Aarti enjoys a whopping 177K followers but she still switched her profile to private as her comment section was bombarded with questions related to her potential divorce from Sehwag.
Sehwag and Aarti got married in 2004 and have two sons together, Aryavir and Vedant. Over the past few months, fans have also noticed that the former India opener’s wife has been missing from his photographs shared on social media, which further adds fuel to the rumours of their separation.
Who is Virender Sehwag's wife Aarti Ahlawat?
Born on December 16, 1980, in New Delhi, Aarti Ahlawat has a strong academic background. Aarti Ahlawat's father, Suraj Singh Ahlawat was an advocate while Aarti passed her schooling from Lady Irwin Secondary School and Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. She completed her diploma in Computer Science from Maitreyi College, Delhi University.
Sehwag's wife Aarti is a businesswoman who is the director of four companies: Eventura Creations Private Limited, AVS Healthcare Private Limited, ASV Event Management Private Limited, and Smgk Agro Impex Private Limited. However, in 2019, she received a major blow when her business partners allegedly forged her signature to get a Rs 4.5 crore loan. She took legal action and filed a complaint against them.
Talking about Virender Sehwag and Aarti's lovestory, they first met at a wedding when Sehwag was seven and Aarti was five. At the age of 21, Sehwag proposed to Aarti after knowing her for 14 years, the couple faced initial resistance from family but eventually won them over and convinced them for marriage.