Not released with over-the-top promotions, Bollywood actor Abhishek Bachchan starrer I Want To Talk has started to buzz among fans on social media. I Want To Talk is among those rare movies that prove that content and story will always be the kind irrespective of the starcast. Directed by Shoojit Sircar, I Want To Talk is a story of a marketing professional turned cancer survivor named Arjun Sen and how his daughter Reya Sen takes care of him even after 20 surgeries. Since you have landed on this page, True Scoop assumes you have already watched the movie on Amazon Prime Video that was released on January 17, 2025, and wondering about I Want To Talk Real Story or I Want To Talk True Story.
Is I Want To Talk a True Story?
The answer is yes. I Want To Talk is a real story based on the book titled 'Raising A Father' that narrates Arjun Sen's experiences and life events. I Want To Talk features Abhishek Bachchan who portrays the character of cancer survivor Arjun Sen , Ahilya Bamroo as Reya Sen (Arjun's daughter), Johnny Lever, Jayant Kripalani, Pearle Dey, Kristin Goddard, and more in the leading roles.
Who is real-life Arjun Sen portrayed in the movie I Want To Talk?
As shown in I Want To Talk, Arjun Sen is a US-based marketing professional whose life turned upside down when he was diagnosed with Cancer. Arjun Sen was diagnosed with Laryngeal cancer. The seriousness of Arjun Sen's cancer was such that Doctors informed him that he had only 100 days to live. However, Arjun did not accept this and left the hospital.
Thereafter, Arjun took a second opinion of Dr Jayanta Deb who is Head of Cancer Research in the US. In the meanwhile, Arjun Sen underwent divorce from his wife Indrani Sen. The movie has showcased that despite suffering from cancer, Arjun had to give his house and car in alimony to Indrani Sen. In return, Arjun's little daughter Reya could visit him on alternate days and he can spend his time with his daughter.
Arjun underwent 20 surgeries and survived with only 5 percent stomach. Currently, he is a successful motivational speaker.
Arjun Sen's profession
Going by Arjun Sen's LinkedIn profile, he described himself, " acclaimed Brand Zen.. who has put brands like DISH Network, Walgreens, DaVita, AliveCor, Coca Cola, Domino’s, Win This Fight Foundation, and Floyd’s Barbershop to take the next big step to Win Big. Prior to that, Arjun was the VP of Marketing & Operations at Papa John’s, where his team built their online business, now worth more than $1 Billion a year."
"Blaine Hurst, former President and CEO of Panera Bread, called him “One of the most ‘Business-Intelligent’ minds today.” Jeffrey Hayzlett, Chairman & CEO, C-SUITE NETWORK said “There are great marketers. Then there are super marketers that the great marketers go to for advice. Meet Arjun Sen.”
Arjun is the author of 'Raising a Father, Customer Karma, and Wow One More. He hosts the groundbreaking podcast series Secrets to Win Big'.
Arjun is currently based in Houston, Texas.
Arjun Sen's Education
Arjun Sen did his Btech in Aeronautical Engineering from IIT Kharagpur. Thereafter, he did his MBA in Marketing from Brigham Young University (1988-1990).